OSS Updates

What's new in the defunct Old Solar System? To keep out of date, enjoy each oldsflash in the items below.

Jul 27, 2024

Uranian Throne episode 23 On the Eve


the early part of Sunnoad Yadon's reign

Continue reading "Uranian Throne episode 23 On the Eve"

Jul 27, 2024

Guess The World - Fifth Series

guess the world fifth series

Yet more scenes from Solar System worlds

Continue reading "Guess The World - Fifth Series"

Jul 27, 2024

Guess The World - how many scenes on each world

how each world is doing on the scenic front

Continue reading "Guess The World - how many scenes on each world"

Jul 27, 2024

What to see on Jupiter

paul life on jupiter

The Jovian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Jupiter"

Jul 26, 2024

Zendexor's OSS Diary 2024

city at world's end

reflections on life, the oss and everything

Continue reading "Zendexor's OSS Diary 2024"

Jul 26, 2024

Idea for another site - The Stellar Neighbourhood


the named or designated stars that appear in literature

Continue reading "Idea for another site - The Stellar Neighbourhood"

Jul 26, 2024

What to see on Neptune

frank r paul life on neptune

The Neptunian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Neptune"

Jul 25, 2024



CLUFFS - Cute Little Unfulfilled Fragments of Fascination

Continue reading "CLUFFS"

Jul 24, 2024

Haunted Worlds - Fictional auras of places on Earth, the Moon and Mars


The double life of our place-names

Continue reading "Haunted Worlds - Fictional auras of places on Earth, the Moon and Mars"

Jul 23, 2024

What to see on Mercury


The Mercurian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Mercury"

Jul 22, 2024

What to see on the Asteroids


innumerable worlds in the inner planets' back yard

Continue reading "What to see on the Asteroids"

Jul 21, 2024

Fictional Dates of the Old Solar System


our timeline extended into imagined pasts and futures

Continue reading "Fictional Dates of the Old Solar System"

Jul 21, 2024

What to see on Earth


The Terran Scene

Continue reading "What to see on Earth"

Jul 20, 2024

What to see on Saturn


The Saturnian Scene

Continue reading "What to see on Saturn"

Jul 18, 2024

What to see on Europa


The Europan scene

Continue reading "What to see on Europa"

Jul 17, 2024

What to see on Iapetus

iapetus monolith 2001

the Iapetan scene

Continue reading "What to see on Iapetus"

Jul 17, 2024

Creatures of the Void


beings who live naturally in space

Continue reading "Creatures of the Void"

Jul 16, 2024

What to see on Planet X


scenes from the tenth planet

Continue reading "What to see on Planet X"

Jul 15, 2024

Authors of the Old Solar System

authors who have contributed to the old solar system

Continue reading "Authors of the Old Solar System"

Jul 15, 2024

What to see on Mars


The Martian Scene

Continue reading "What to see on Mars"

Jul 14, 2024

History of Hopes


Optimistic science and speculation

Continue reading "History of Hopes"

Jul 14, 2024

What to see on Io


The Ionian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Io"

Jul 13, 2024

Jasoomian Gathol


dreams and themes from an island

Continue reading "Jasoomian Gathol"

Jul 10, 2024

What to see on Pluto


The Plutonian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Pluto"

Jul 09, 2024

What to see on Ceres

The Cerian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Ceres"

Jul 08, 2024

What to see on the Moon


The lunar scene

Continue reading "What to see on the Moon"

Jul 05, 2024

What to see on Titan

Dan Dare on Titan - unedited

The Titanic scene

Continue reading "What to see on Titan"

Jul 02, 2024

Martian Pastoral - a comparative study of Philip Roth and ERB


American Pastoral meets A Fighting Man of Mars

Continue reading "Martian Pastoral - a comparative study of Philip Roth and ERB"

Jul 01, 2024

the hits race

the monthly popularity-contest for world-teams

Continue reading "the hits race"

Jul 01, 2024

What to see on Venus


The Venusian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Venus"

Jun 29, 2024

What to see on Uranus

frank r paul city on uranus

The Uranian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Uranus"

Jun 24, 2024

What to see on Vulcan


The Vulcanian scene

Continue reading "What to see on Vulcan"

Jun 22, 2024

What to see on Eros

Eros - Captain Future

What to see on Eros

Continue reading "What to see on Eros"

Jun 20, 2024

What to see on Ganymede


The Ganymedean scene

Continue reading "What to see on Ganymede"

Jun 15, 2024

William Hope Hodgson: A View by Antolin Gibson


a master of dark far-future splendour

Continue reading "William Hope Hodgson: A View by Antolin Gibson"

Jun 14, 2024

Enceladus Erupts by Robert Gibson

Enceladus plumes

a sage of Tethys tries to control the giants of Enceladus

Continue reading "Enceladus Erupts by Robert Gibson"

Jun 03, 2024

What to see on the Asteroid Progenitor Planet


The Lost Planet scene

Continue reading "What to see on the Asteroid Progenitor Planet"

May 25, 2024

What to see on Callisto


The Callistan scene

Continue reading "What to see on Callisto"

May 15, 2024

What To See on Titania


answers to guess-the-world

Continue reading "What To See on Titania"

May 14, 2024

Guess The World - Fourth Series

Grandville sun juggling planets

another spate of scenes from Old Solar System worlds

Continue reading "Guess The World - Fourth Series"

May 13, 2024

What to see on the Rings of Saturn

the annular saturnian scene

Continue reading "What to see on the Rings of Saturn"

May 09, 2024

What to see on Phobos


the scene on the inner moon of Mars

Continue reading "What to see on Phobos"

May 05, 2024

Brightside Crossing by Alan E Nourse


Brightside Crossing by Alan E Nourse

Continue reading "Brightside Crossing by Alan E Nourse"

Apr 14, 2024

What to see on Ariel

the scene on a Uranian moon

Continue reading "What to see on Ariel"

Apr 11, 2024

Uranian Throne episode 22 The Golden Cloak


the succession to Brem Tormalla

Continue reading "Uranian Throne episode 22 The Golden Cloak"

Apr 07, 2024

What to see on Umbriel

Umbriel for wtso

The Umbriel scene

Continue reading "What to see on Umbriel"

Mar 26, 2024

Uranian Throne episode 21 The Cincture


Recruitment begins for the expedition to rescue Olhoav

Continue reading "Uranian Throne episode 21 The Cincture"

Mar 25, 2024

What to see on Oberon


The Oberan scene

Continue reading "What to see on Oberon"

Mar 22, 2024

An Approach to World-Building


comments on constructing a planetary epic

Continue reading "An Approach to World-Building"